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The time of our immortality is at hand. 

An undeciphered language in Crete. A rash of mysterious disappearances, from Bolivia to Japan. An ancient warning at the ruins of Babel. And a new spiritual leader, who claims that human history as we understand it is about to come to an end.

Seventeen-year-old Daniel Calder?s world falls apart when a freak accident brings personal tragedy?and he discovers there?s a link between the accident and a wildly successful new cult, the Seraphim. Catapulted into a violent struggle for humanity?s past and future, he?s not even sure who the enemy is, or if he?s battling a phantom that doesn?t exist. But as Daniel puts his life on the line, he is forced to conclude that our very survival as a species will depend on who, and what, we choose to believe.

The Fire Seekers #1. The Babel Trilogy

SKU: 9781477847732
  • Richard Farr
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