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In Is She For Real?, Bethany has just moved to Old Warwick, a quaint old town that is said to be haunted by the ghost of Lady Warwick. Lady Warwick lived centuries ago and died of a broken heart?but her grave was found empty shortly after her death. Legend says that Lady Warwick was buried alive and still roams Old

Warwick today in search of her lost love. Bethany hears all about the legend from her new friends and thinks it?s all pretty corny?until really strange things start happening to her. With a ring on her finger that looks just like the one Lady Warwick wore, and a new boyfriend with chilling similarities to Lady Warwick?s lost love, Bethany?s friends have to wonder: Is real life imitating legend...or becoming legend?

Is She for Real? (You're Invited To a Creepover)

SKU: 9781442450561
  • 8-12 a�os
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