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Discovered as a baby in Sir Edmund's kennels, Brind has grown up with the mastiffs. He plays with them, eats with them, and sleeps in their den. Brind understands dogs better than he understands any human.


The largest and most powerful dog in the pack, Glaive is Brind's best friend. He would do anything for the dog boy, even race straight into battle.


Thrown out of her home as the French army prepares for the English invasion, Aurélie can either beg outside the town wall with her mother, or fight the enemy herself. She has never been one to sit still.

When the English and French armies clash at the Battle of Crécy, there will be honor, treachery, loss, chivalry—and glory. For Brind, Glaive, and Aurélie, this is only the beginning.


SKU: 9780060841164
  • Christopher Russell

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